Yet another case of “abolishing copyright” at work (a dream)

“…So the show was altered, removing any punishable copyright infringement…”

“… it’s … the most ambitious animated series currently on television.”

“…has a clear dialogue with popular culture…”

“Rick and Morty come across on one of their adventures, in the larger social consciousness. And what’s more — the culture has been remarkably responsive.”

So, that is about “Rick and Morty” series and I took out excerpts which pertain, in my view, to the theory and mystery of their latest success so wisely emphasized by Drew Taylor, the article’s author. If I wanted to put it in one formula it would sound as: Removal restrictions for dialogue (copyrights, censorship) is one necessary action to spread the world and thus make a creative work exposed, popular and, consequently, profitable.

The other aspect necessary for a real success is being brilliant, of course.

What Makes ‘Rick and Morty’ TV’s Most Ambitious Animated Series

PS. The sad truth is that my above interpretation is just the opposite to reality. “Removing copyright infringement” means just the compliance with copyright.


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