Monthly Archives: May 2014

How Will They Compete or Is “Copyright” a “Capitalistic” Concept?

That is, marketplace (where books are sold) becomes normal when rights to make copies are out of picture . . . get used to this really simple understanding of the issue provided by first graders. Continue reading

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Barnes & Noble takes Culture vs. Copyright in!

The letter from Barnes & Noble Small Press Department, dated May 13, 2014, reads: “In order to make your title, Culture vs. Copyright, available to any of our customers . . . we want to stock your title in our … Continue reading

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Ideal, Reality, Solution 2. Solution for IP Problem

Yes, IP (Intellectual Property) is nothing else but a problem. A huge one. A catastrophe. I believe it is proven in “Culture vs. Copyright.” What is THE solution? If IP is nothing else but a problem then the solution is … Continue reading

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Ideal, Reality, Solution

The solemn title of this post reflects  one aspect of the discussions around copyrights, patents and other inventions of the kind. I don’t remember whether I wrote on this or not. Regardless, the last drop was the wonderful review I … Continue reading

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Culture vs. Copyright at BookExpo America

Culture vs. Copyright is accepted for exhibition at BookExpo America Continue reading

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Copyright, Capitalism & Communism

Every single work, say, a book creates its own separate market. That is, copyright creates a total monopoly on that market. And total monopoly, essentially is communism. Continue reading

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Culture is The Dialogue of Cultures: Yet Another Summary of The Book

The culture is understood here as “dialogue of cultures” (the theory of a philosopher Vladimir Bibler) paired with the logic of paradox. . . . [A]ll over the book, “between lines” and somewhat articulately I provide kind of popular introduction to this not-that-simple-theory. Continue reading

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On Shaindel Beers’ blurb

I am very pleased and honoured that my work is perceived as a blend of unquestionably prominent authors. At the same time, I very much hope, that my book is some whole, which is the essential feature of real work of culture. Continue reading

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