On Shaindel Beers’ blurb

First of that was a beautiful blurb! That is why it got on the book’s back cover:

In Culture vs. Copyright: A Diary of a Naïve Philosopher, Anatoly Volynets lays out a treatise challenging many of society’s assumptions about intellectual property, what artistic ownership means, and how to best benefit both the artist and society. While you may not agree with all of his points, this book is sure to generate hours of meaningful discussion. It is an interesting, accessible blend of Walter Benjamin’s The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, Jostein Gaarder’s Sophie’s World, Lawrence Lessig, and gift economy theory. Definitely a must-read for artists and thinkers alike!

Now, I would like to explore some of the concepts brought forth in the blurb.

Among assumptions that I challenge there is one worth of special emphasis: the very notion of “Intellectual Property” (respectively, notions of copyright, patent, etc.)

That entails the next. Of course, one may agree with some of my points and disagree with others… In the beginning.  But one has to take into account that all the points but that challenging basic notions are derivatives. That means, all of the ideas, contemplated in the book, relate one to another, can be inferred one from another and therefore, in the end, have to be accepted entirely… or not accepted at all. This is how I see it. Well, someone may disagree with this too.

And the final note is that I am very pleased and honoured that my work is perceived as a blend of unquestionably prominent authors. At the same time, I very much hope, that my book is some whole, which is the most essential feature of real work of culture.

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